When I see those beautiful old couples walking along holding hands I know that will be us. How do I know? I don't know, I just know. People say you can never know what the future holds and that is absolutely true but if he is alive I know he will be taking my hand as we walk along. I know he will walk next to the road to protect me. When we first started going out I thought it was a strange thing that he did that. His dad does that to his wife an any woman he walks next to. It is so special that there are men in this world like them. I know that my husband will be the one to annoy me by pinching the excess skin at my elbows. He knows how much it annoys me but at the same time he knows that he is the only one who gets away with doing it and yes, he loves that.
We have been through a lot. We have five children and God knows that takes its toll. We have suffered the loss of a child through miscarriage. We have endured a long distance relationship from time to time as the situation dictates was necessary. We have had rough patches. I mean who doesn't?
I would say we are perfectly suited for each other even though in most respects we are complete opposites. My flaws are his strengths and if you know Mr Knight you know he doesn't have too many flaws. Hahaha. Seriously, we work well together.
I have this find hope that everyone can be as happy as I am. Find someone who compliments them as well as we do. Find someone who brings out the best I'm them. I know I am so lucky. I know what I have isn't easy to come by. I know what I have is special and that's why I know when I'm old and grey with leathery skin and droopy bits everywhere that he will still hold my hand and love me for who I am and what we have together.