It was meant to stop raining today. The low was supposed to have moved south. The worst of it is over I guess as the winds have died down and the rain isn't as heavy. It's just that set in, constant drizzle rain you get here. The kids are a bit stir crazy because they haven't been outside much in days. They have energy to burn and they are burning it by talking, harrassing me and being crazy lunatics in the lounge room. Oh for a day a sunshine to be able to do my washing too. The weekend was definately one of those weekends you wished you didn't have kids. It was snuggle in bed, read a book, watch a movie weekend. But not to be and I wouldn't swap it but you know those weekends.
This was the yard yesterday. It is even more full of water today. We'll have to take a drive out to the river this afternoon to see how much it has risen since yesterday. The shops are out of bread because the road is cut. I couldn't supplies from the newsagent because the road is cut. Maybe this flood will have more effect on us than last years.
Until next time. Thanks for stopping by.
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